Lifting accessories
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 and tiller (FEM-2)
Pre-1(inver)Press clamping boxes. (greenhouse)  (min.1200mm-max.1970mm)
Pre-1Press clamping boxes. (standard)  (min.1300mm-max.2300mm)
Pre-1(es)Press clamping boxes. (special)  (min.1600mm-max.2900mm)
Pre-2(inver)Press clamping palots. (greenhouse) (min.1270mm-max.2040mm)
Pre-2Press clamping palots. (standard) (min.1390mm-max.2390mm)
Pre-2(es)Press clamping palots. (special) (min.1690mm-max.2990mm)
Púas 1Set of 2 steel tines for any elevator
Púas 22 set of 2 steel barrows for froklift and box turner (FEM-2)
PinInclination piston (third point)
PinDisplacement piston 
Dis-1Single lever hydraulic distributor
Dis-2Hydraulic distributor with two levers
Dis-3Hydraulic distributor with three levers
Dis-4Hydraulic manifold with four levers
Selec-2Selector solenoid valve, 2-way (three pistons)
Selec-3Selector solenoid valve, 3-way (four pistons)
Elec.-1Electric control three movements
Elec.-2Electric command four movements
Elec.-3Three-stroke electric command (with joystick levers)
Elec.-4Four-stroke electric command (with joystick levers)